Monday, February 20, 2006

My take

Here's what I think.
Jon Stewart is very funny.
Stephen Colbert is hilarious.
Ditto Rob Corddry, Samantha Bee, Ed Helms.
All freakin' hilarious.
Now, I can get extremely passionate about my shows. Dup can attest to my unhealthy Simpsons obsession. I became very uptight at the very thought of missing an episode and loved each episode with deranged fervor. Notice the past tense. For that obsession waned about ten years ago. When the Simpson stopped being funny. Yes, I've heard that it's gotten funny again, but I felt spurned, jilted, used. After years of laughing out loud at least thirty times an episode I wasn't going to put up with laughing only ten times an episode. And after the "Spin-Offs of the Simpsons" episode, when I laughed exactly zero times and turned it off ten minutes in, I never recovered, never returned. Sure, if it's on I might watch it and laugh guardedly, and maybe someday I'll be able to abandon myself to it again, but...if I'm going to invest precious book/movie/music time on a show it best hold up it's end of the bargain. Damn it.
I'm talking to you Jason Jones.
You are not funny.
I'm talking to you Dan Bakkedahl.
You are not funny enough.
I'm talking to you Nate Corddry.
You are only really funny some of the time.
And some of the time IS NOT ENOUGH.
Please don't shit on my precious Daily Show. My unwind time after work, my time to kick back with a short glass of OJ and a granola bar. Please! Get funny, Jason Jones! Or get off.
At least I still have the Colbert Report.
(This is what blogs are for, right?)


At 12:46 AM, Blogger Tina Rowley said...

You're right, man. You called it, on all counts. When I gave Rob Corddry "always funny", I really only had his high points/potential in mind. But he phones it in fairly often.

More and more often segments will happen that make me drift off. I'll wander off to the bathroom and Dave will be like, do you want me to pause this*? And I'll be like, naah. No need. Not that funny.

And how did Jason Jones claw his way on to that show? Who installed him? Is he someone's nephew?

*sweet, sweet Tivo

At 6:43 AM, Blogger Adam Szymkowicz said...

yes. I watch the simpsons in rerun and sometimes it is very funny and sometimes not at all funny. The thing you did with the simpsons, I did with SNL--and I hear it's funny again sometimes but I just can't watch. I should try again.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Bob said...

While I do find that each of those people has some redeeming qualities, I have been noticing myself enjoying Colbert slightly more than the Daily Show lately. That may be due to the fact that it's new, but it is hilarious.

As far as the Simpsons go, I do continue to watch it every week, despite frequent disappointment. I actually just got season 7 as a gift, and the difference is really, really obvious between where it is now and then. Now, there are generally 1-2 "A" episodes a season, 3-4 "B"...15 "C"...and 2-3 "F".... but I still watch every week...

SNL's the same way, really, but even more rough. However, when it's funny, it's really funny. After Will Ferrell left, it floudered a bit, but it's starting to regain it's legs a little. There are some really funny new-ish people on there that usually make for a great sketch (The Prince Show, that Target lady) or so an episode.

Thank god for TiVo....

Wow, I spent a lot of time on that comment...

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Bob said...

oh, by the way, we sat next to ed helms at our sushi place the other night. hollywoooooood!

At 9:50 AM, Blogger pete. said...

Wow! That is insane.

Just to clarify, Tina, I still love Rob Corrdry. It's Nate I'm as crazy about.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger Tina Rowley said...

Nate Corddry...totally forgot about him. Goes to show you.

At 9:29 AM, Blogger DK said...

check it out:
Rob Corddry
Husky Union Building (HUB)
Saturday, February 25: 8 p.m.

At 11:14 AM, Blogger pete. said...

I know, I know. I'd love to go...But it's a Saturday and I'm a loser who works Saturdays. But hopefully not for too much longer.
Thanks for the tip.

At 2:03 PM, Blogger DK said...

we're all losers for having jobs and not winning the lottery

At 6:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

am i the only one who does not have a tv and does not know any of these people (except for jon stewart)? I heard that one of these people was in that 40 year old virgin movie. Is that movie any good? Quite frankly, I miss tv though -- it was nice to unwind after work and not have to think. Now I have no choice but to read after work, which is nice sometimes but too much thinking other times....

At 11:40 PM, Blogger pete. said...

I think it's great that you don't have a tv. I went a long time without one. But I do enjoy it in small doses. I'm choosy. Which, I suppose, is why I get so uptight and resentful about the shows I like not living up to their glory.
And, yes, 40 Year Old Virgin is great! Funny as hell with a surprising amount of heart...

At 8:49 PM, Blogger Bob said...

How funny that this is the thread of discussion right now. I just watched tonight's new Simpsons episode, and it was probably the worst 30 minutes I've ever seen of that show. Oh man....

Oh, and by the way, 40 Year Old Virgin was easily in my top 2-3 movies of last year, regardless of genre...


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